Disappearing for 1 whole month

I should and I really do want to post on my blog more often. It has just been a full 1 month since my last blog and I have really been busy mostly with work, travelling, and many other stuffs. So, a recap of my past month:

I went on a 5 day holiday to Maldives! I first went Maldives in 2012, and I have always wanted to go back again since. So many things happened this year and I figured I really want to go back now. I have posted the experience of this trip in my travel journey. Will definitely be working on a travel vlog on this trip soon.

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Over the past weekend, went for the annual OCBC Cycle event again. This is the 3rd straight year I am participating, although this year, partly due to my knee injury, I took part the 20 km ride instead of the 40 km. 

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Met up with a group of friends from my previous university. All 4 of them, ladies and all married with children. It's been a long while since I met them and the last time we met, I remember none of them have kids. Naturally, the topics revolve mostly on their kids. It was a nice catch-up.

I did a fair bit of shopping over the past month. Bought an office chair, which I intend to use as my new dining table chair. Bought a ridiculously expensive hair dryer from Dyson (and I rarely use a hairdryer), Fitbit health tracer, something which has changed my lifestyle bit. Bought 2 Gundam figurines which, are definitely money well spent.

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