RPG game character vs real life

"If you invest time in doing something, you will definitely get a return from it." - Loliciano Mistrim.

I've been reading a book about how a person's life changed after he acquired the skill of becoming a RPG game character. (This is probably where this blog post gets really nerdy.) In the story, the main character faces many decisions on how he should level up his skills. He eventually decided to invest all his skillpoints in improving his 'intelligence' and became an outstanding 'Mage'. Well, isn't this the same in real life? In an RPG game, when you work hard and level up your character, your stats increase. In real life, although it may not be as obvious, if you work hard, you will be rewarded. In real life, we see many cases when a person is very specialize in a particular skillset, chances are he will command a higher salary as compared to those with very general skillset spread across many different areas.


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