Kingsman 2

My lower back has been giving me some problems and the discomfort has forced me to wake up 5am on this beautiful Saturday morning... Don't think I've ever blogged this early before.

I was at the movies the past weekend and watched 'Kingsman: The Golden Cycle'. It was the 2nd Kingsman movie and I have watched the first one when I was out in 2014 as well. I would describe it as a modern 'James Bond' movie except that there are a team of secret agents working together. Though it was entertaining, I felt the story and plots in the first one were much better. I am not a movie critic, so I will not be going into the details. Watching movies is one of my many (and ever-growing list of) hobbies and I probably watch on average about once per month. During the time when I am in the cinema watching movies, it forces me to relax and not do anything else other than watching the movie. I do not have plan to start a movie review blog, but I will probably start compiling a list of movies I've watched in the year.
