I want to talk abit about waiting. I usually do not deter joining or being part of a group. Be it going out with a group of friends, joining colleagues for lunch, going out with my in-laws, etc. In fact, I love being in a group. My biggest issue is to wait. Waiting is a sheer waste of time caused by someone at the expense of the others. Waiting for a short period of time, 5-15 mins, is fine. But there have been many occasions when I was made to wait for more than 1 hour. The past weekend being one of those occasions. And this really drives me nuts! ヾ(`д´*)ノ
Being sick on both the past Thursday and Friday, I am finally feeling much better on Saturday. On top of clearing some work this weekend, I decided to put up a new food blog after more than 6 months. Writing a blog, I am able to journal the bits and pieces of my life, but it takes a long time for me to write. Mainly caused by me not being good at this. Can only hope I get better and be more efficient at this.
Received these souvenir from my bro, Au Yeong, all the way from Australia