
I'm on my 5th bottle of cough medicine and been very strict on my diet, but I'm still not getting better. 5th bottle!!! When can I get better, so I can eat nice food...

Other than work, I've been pretty much staying at home, happily, thanks to my newly purchased Nintendo Switch. Zelda has been so addictive, that I hardly touch the other games I bought.

About 2 weeks back, I received the confirmation of my promotion at work, which was a huge surprise. I have been promoted a few times throughout my work career, but getting a promotion in my present job is the sweetest so far. Probably because this has been my most challenging job by far, and it came really sudden. Definitely an honour, but perhaps happier knowing I got the recognition. But I also know there are still many areas I want to improve on. Where I am now, is still very far from where I want to be.