Goodbye 2019, hello 2020

“If I cannot do great things, I will do small things in great ways”

This year passes by in a flash and before I know it, I am at the last hour of 2019. Summarising my 2019 in one word, it would be ‘eventfully’, and my 2nd word would be ‘tired’. This has been a year of ups and downs. Among many things that happened, I accompanied the final few weeks of a childhood friend before he passed away in April. On the other hand, I welcomed the arrival of my 1st child in Aug.

A recap of my 2019:

  1. I got promoted and became a dad!

  2. Achieved 4 professional certifications! vExpert 2019, Prosci Change Management, and P3O. and VCP DC (literally passing this on 31st Dec)

  3. Received an ‘EPIC2 Award’ for ‘Best Support Functions’ at work

Status of my goals set for 2019:

  1. Continue the plan to set up my business/long term plan - No progress

  2. Pass at least 2 IT professional certification - Over achieved as I attained 4

  3. Reducing my weight to less than 80kg (No more excuses!) - Another year of excuses…

  4. I need to sleep earlier - Being a dad now, this is a totally unrealistic goal

  5. Continue with my personal and professional website - Another failed as I prioritised ‘dad duties’.

Generally opposite from my year in 2018, this has been a year full of activities to keep me busy, and tired. Baby grows extremely fast when they are little and there’s so much to experience and learn as parents. I can easily imagine that this is going to be a long journey of continuous learning and challenges for many years down the road.

Apparently, 2020 will be a good year for me, who is born in the year of Goat, although I am not been someone superstitious about this kind of things. Moving into 2020, I am going to focus mainly on BAU stuffs. Maintaining and be better at what I am doing.

My goals for 2020:

  1. Settle down and be better at ‘dad duties’

  2. Pass at least 2 IT professional certification, or 1 advance IT certification

  3. Reducing my weight to less than 80kg (I really hope there will not be any more excuses this year)

  4. Continue with my personal and professional website
