Sabbatical: Week 1

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

It’s been slightly more than a week since my sabbatical and adapting to UP fitness routine has kept me busy most of the time. With the extreme change, I see my weight quickly dropped by 2kg in a week. From week 2 and 3, I will unfortunately need to suspense the training as I need to undergo a procedure and perspiring during this period will cause complications. But seeing immediate results, I can’t wait to continue the training.

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As part of my getting back to health routine, I’ve also been visiting TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). My gallstone situation has been getting really bad over the past few months and I’ve been recommended by doctors to go for operations. TCM is my final try to salvage this. If this doesn’t work, operations is my only option.

Removing all carbo from my diet, I get hungry easily. Turning to nuts for some fats input to fill my hunger

Removing all carbo from my diet, I get hungry easily. Turning to nuts for some fats input to fill my hunger