Undergoing my 3rd surgery - Gall Stones

I had an ultra sound scan after my 3 months of body transformation and to my surprise, I was told I no longer have fatty liver in me. This is likely one of the benefits of me cutting down my weight. Unfortunately, there has been no improvement to my gall bladder stones situation. From the scan, it was concluded that there were multiple stones, measuring up to 0.67cm big, which was too big to be flushed out. Being bothered by gall bladder attacks for probably more than 10 years now, and I have tried different methods to flush out the stones so as to avoid undergoing the surgery. All of which, apparently were unsuccessful. This year, I have been getting the attacks more and more frequently. Thus, knowing now that the stones were too huge to be flushed, my family and I finally made the decision to go for the surgery.

The procedure was a key hole surgery, and it took about 2 hours, with me discharging the next day. The first 4 days of the surgery was really quite terrible with me suffering alot of post-ops pain. Today is the 11th day from the day of my surgery and I am still feeling some pain from the wound. One of the most obvious difference I feel now, is that I find it more difficult to digest food. Apparently, this should improve as time goes by, which I really hope it does. For now, I just have to be really, really careful on what, and how much I eat.

Gall stones extracted from me

Gall stones extracted from me

Tonic from my brother and my buddy, Au Yeong

Tonic from my brother and my buddy, Au Yeong

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