“千里自行 始于足下” - Honda Tsubasa
So, I celebrated my birthday in June last month. This is my 2nd birthday since having my daughter and I know from last year’s experience, that my birthday no longer has much of a celebratory mood as it will be another day of looking after/focusing our attention on our daughter. Unfortunately, the same applies to our wedding anniversary. Definitely not what I have like it to be, but somehow it naturally turned out this way. Probably partly worsen by the Covid situation as outdoor dining in Singapore restricts to 2 people.
This year, I received a lot of cakes delivered to me. In total, I received 5 cakes! This is also the first year I receive a handmade birthday card from my daughter. Last but not least, I also got an Obama medal coin present from wifey. During this covid period, I can’t ask for more and is already very grateful to the people who remembered.
Last week, on 11 July 2021, we welcome the arrival of my 6th nephew! I was really looking forward to his birth, and definitely, something for the family to be happy about. But I have a feeling, we won’t be expecting any more babies in the near future.
Randomly chose this chinese roast pork, roast duck, cha siew restaurant afew days ago. This is probably my first try in a 1-star Michelin Restaurant. Was sceptical as first, but turned out it was so much better than my expectation. Probably the best I have eaten. Costed SGD 50+ for 2 pax