
"I never dreamed about success, I worked for it." - Estee Lauder, Entrepreneur

Today is probably the earliest I have ever woken up to watch a movie (showing at 8.20am). Avengers Endgame is so huge and popular that most tickets are sold out, and I have to pick the earliest (oddest) slot available in order to have a decent seat in the cinema. Being a big Marvel fan who have watched all the Marvel movies, this is one I have been looking forward to. It was out 3 days ago and I initially didn’t plan to watch it urgently. Not until people around me and the social media are starting to leak spoilers. People would casually make comments like “x number of people will die in the end’, ‘there are x number of plot twist in the end’, ‘who is that guy who appear in the end’. This spoilt the movie experience not just for me, but i’m sure for many other people. So, long story short, I made up my mind to book whatever timeslot available over this weekend to watch it before people continues to spoilt it for me.

Posters promoting the movie in train stations

Posters promoting the movie in train stations