UP fitness: Week 3

So, it’s been about 3 weeks since I started UP fitness. I have somewhat adapted to the change in this training lifestyle. Now, I am more conscious of the carbo, fats and protein in the food which I eat, as well as their portion (weight). With the change in diet, my expense on food increased substantially as well… Something which I need to change my expectation when I budget for my food expenses moving forward. Managing my body ache becomes an everyday thing, as I try to recover as much as possible before my next training. My reduction in weight started to slow down abit, probably due to me taking a 1 week break from the training as I went for a medical procedure. Total weight lost till date: 4kg.

Taking weight of each portion of my food I eat

Taking weight of each portion of my food I eat

Was introduced to MCO by a relative last month. I was never into crypto currency and knew very little about it. But MCO is really interesting and decided to give it a try. Staked 300 units to get the Indigo card which comes with quite alot of interesting benefits. For those reading and are interested, you can use my referral code: ‘b8fq8xq29a’ and we both get USD50.

Opted for the MCO Indigo card

Opted for the MCO Indigo card

New shaver. Retiring my previous shaver, which I have used for probably 10 years now. First time trying a ‘wet shave’.

New shaver. Retiring my previous shaver, which I have used for probably 10 years now. First time trying a ‘wet shave’.