Circuit Breaker

It has been 1 week since Singapore declared nationwide one month of ‘Circuit Breaker’ which mandate closure of all schools and shutdown of none essential businesses. Everyone is to stay at home. This means the activities I can do now is alot more limited. Most importantly, I will not be able to continue my training at the gym now. This adds to the list of disruption to my plans I have made for my sabbatical and was quite a blow to me when the news was released. I have to immediately come out with a plan B.

Plan B. From the circuit breaker rules, I am limited to 2 exercises which I can do outdoor now; running and cycling. And I intend to hit extremely hard on these 2 exercises. Every day if I could, if not just a day of break in between. In the mean time, I will continue with the strict diet.

Cleaning my home and re-renovating my home is something I have been delaying way too long. Not have ceiling fans installed in my room is something that I had always regret. I managed to have it installed in my rooms literately 1 day before the circuit breaker starts.

With the Covid 19 and circuit breaker situation now, huge number of volunteers are needed. Doing more volunteering work to help people is something that I had always wanted to do. As a grassroots leader, I am exposed to more opportunities to such volunteering work. A good way to spend my time.

With these, I ended up fully occupying myself again. Tentatively, the Circuit Breaker period ends on 4 May, but it is not known if things will change or if there will be any extension. Currently, the Covid 19 situation in Singapore is getting very bad, with 449 new cases today.

Well, I am on the 7th week of my sabbatical now, and having completed 11 session of training with UP fitness. As of today, I have lost 6.8kg. Quite happy with the progress so far, but I am also aware that I cannot relax now. Ideally, I hope to lose I really hope that I can lose more than 10 kg by the time I go back to work. To reach my ideal BMI, I need to lose a total of 15kg actually…

One of my night cycling trip. Special lighting @ MBS. #SGUNITED

One of my night cycling trip. Special lighting @ MBS. #SGUNITED

Probably my 1st time painting the house. Touching up after the ceiling fan installation

Probably my 1st time painting the house. Touching up after the ceiling fan installation

Strictly no dinning in at all restaurants during Circuit Breaker period.

Strictly no dinning in at all restaurants during Circuit Breaker period.

Me volunteering for face mask distribution

Me volunteering for face mask distribution

Occasional gaming: The newly released Animal Cross

Occasional gaming: The newly released Animal Cross